21,620 research outputs found

    Photon-Photon Correlations as a Probe of Vacuum Induced Coherence Effects

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    We present new experimental implications of the effects of vacuum induced coherence on the photon -photon correlation in the pi-polarized fluorescence in j = 1/2 to j = 1/2 transition. These effects should be thus observable in measurements of photon statistics in for example Hg and Ba ion traps.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Inseparability inequalities for higher-order moments for bipartite systems

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    There are several examples of bipartite entangled states of continuous variables for which the existing criteria for entanglement using the inequalities involving the second order moments are insufficient. We derive new inequalities involving higher order correlation, for testing entanglement in non-Gaussian states. In this context we study an example of a non-Gaussian state, which is a bipartite entangled state of the form ψ(xa,xb)(αxa+βxb)e(xa2+xb2)/2\psi(x_{\rm a},x_{\rm b})\propto (\alpha x_{\rm a}+\beta x_{\rm b})e^{-(x_{\rm a}^2+x_{\rm b}^2)/2}. Our results open up an avenue to search for new inequalities to test entanglement in non-Gaussian states.Comment: 7 pages, Submitte

    Mesoscopic superpositions of states - approach to classicality and diagonalization in coherent state basis

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    I consider the interaction of a superposition of mesoscopic coherent states and its approach to a mixed state as a result of a suitably controlled environment. I show how the presence of a gain medium in a cavity can lead to diagonalization in coherent state basis in contrast to the standard model of decoherence. I further show how the new model of decoherence can lead to the generation of ss ordered quasi distributions.Comment: 10 pages, two figure pages, RevTe

    Nonclassical Correlation of Polarization Entangled Photons in a Biexciton-Exciton Cascade

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    We develop a theoretical model to study the Intensity-Intensity correlation of polarization entangled photons emitted in a biexciton-exciton cascade. We calculate the degree of correlation and show how polarization correlation are affected by the presence of dephasing and energy level splitting of the excitonic states. Our theoretical calculations are in agreement with the recent observation of polarization dependent Intensity-Intensity correlations from a single semiconductor quantum dot [R. M. Stevenson et. al., Nature 439, 179 (2006)] . Our model can be extended to study polarization entangled photon emission in coupled quantum dot systems

    Magneto-optical rotation of spectrally impure fields and its nonlinear dependence on optical density

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    We calculate magneto-optical rptation of spectrally impure fileds in an optically thick cold atmic medium. We show that the spectral impurity leads to non-linear dependence of the rotation angle on optical density. Using our calculations, we provide a quanttative analysis of the recent experimental results of G. Labeyrie et al. [Phys. Rev. A 64, 033402 (2001)] using cold Rb85^{85} atoms.Comment: 6 pages, 5 Figures, ReVTeX4, Submitted to PR

    Measuring arbitrary-order coherences: Tomography of single-mode multiphoton polarization-entangled states

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    A scheme is discussed for measuring Nth-order coherences of two orthogonally polarized light fields in a single spatial mode at very limited experimental cost. To implement the scheme, the only measurements needed are the Nth-order intensity moments after the light beam has passed through two quarter-wave plates, one half-wave plate, and a polarizing beam splitter for specific settings of the wave plates. It is shown that this method can be applied for arbitrarily large N. A set of explicit values is given for the settings of the wave plates, constituting an optimal measurement of the Nth-order coherences for any N. For Fock states the method introduced here corresponds to a full state tomography. Applications of the scheme to systems other than polarization optics are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, published versio

    Nonclassical Imaging for a quantum search of trapped ions

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    We discuss a simple search problem which can be pursued with different methods, either on a classical or on a quantum basis. The system is represented by a chain of trapped ions. The ion to be searched is a member of that chain, consists, however, of an isotopic species different to the others. It is shown that the classical imaging may lead as fast to the final result as the quantum imaging. However, for the discussed case the quantum method gives more flexibility and higher precision when the number of ions considered in the chain is increasing. In addition, interferences are observable even when the distances between the ions is smaller than half a wavelength of the incident light.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Analysis of MAGSAT and surface data of the Indian region

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    Techniques and significant results of an analysis of MAGSAT and surface data of the Indian region are described. Specific investigative tasks included: (1) use of the multilevel data at different altitudes to develop a model for variation of magnetic anomaly with altitude; (2) development of the regional model for the description of main geomagnetic field for the Indian sub-continent using MAGSAT and observatory data; (3) development of regional mathematical model of secular variations over the Indian sub-continent; and (4) downward continuation of the anomaly field obtained from MAGSAT and its combination with the existing observatory data to produce a regional anomaly map for elucidating tectonic features of the Indian sub-continent

    Heisenberg limited Sagnac interferometry

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    We show how the entangled photons produced in parametric down conversion can be used to improve the sensitivity of a Sagnac interferometer. Two-photon and four-photon coincidences increases the sensitivity by a factor of two and four respectively. Our results apply to sources with arbitrary pumping and squeezing parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure